Clarity-Anytime, Anywhere

Clarity Seekers-Grab Clarity Anytime, Anywhere in Just 12 Weeks! It's within your reach!

But, are you a Clarity Seeker?

More than likely if…..

  • You want to revolutionize your understanding of yourself, others, and the world around you.
  • Developing a depth of clarity that will catapult you to heights you never dreamed is a goal.
  • Navigating complex situations with laser-focused precision to gain unprecedented insight interests you.
  • You want to enact positive change through understanding the true motivations and drivers behind people’s actions and thoughts.
  • You’ve been trying to get past the blocks to live your full potential.

Clarity-Anytime, Anywhere can be yours with this one-of-a kind course!

Shari Leigh Roberts, Clarity Master

Hi! This course comes straight from the heart as a culmination of teachings and skills I developed during a 4-year transformational journey. Starting broken, I went in pursuit of wholeness. What I got was far more than I ever dreamed of- learning that your journey to clarity can be fast-tracked and is not dependent on Divine timing was the most important. It is with this philosophy that this Clarity-Anytime, Anywhere 12-week course was created. The intention is to fast-track your journey towards living your life with the ability to ascertain information about yourself, others, or situations anytime, anywhere. People who have had this training say it has revolutionized their lives. It certainly has mine. I’d love to see it revolutionize yours.

Course Outline

  • Week 1-Unveiling your clarity gifts with a clarity reading and energy assessment.
  • Week 2-Remove energy obstacles to reveal your clarity gifts.
  • Week 3-Develop precise goals, intentions, and daily routines to sustain clear energy.
  • Week 4-Master the art of leveraging your clarity.
  • Week 5-Introducing and communicating your Clarity Dream Team!
  • Week 6-Interacting with and validating messages from your Clarity Dream Team.
  • Week 7-Engaging with other people’s Clarity Dream Teams.
  • Week 8-Unveiling insights and benefits of energy.
  • Week 9-Harnessing your clarity gifts to perceive others’ energy.
  • Week 10-Putting your energy gifts into action.
  • Week 11-Exercising your clarity gifts.
  • Week 12-Conclusion, evaluation, and clarity certification.

A One Time Offer that includes-

  • A one-of-a-kind 12 week course to achieve profound clarity in just 30 minutes a day. Fits seamlessly into your routine.
  • 12-1:1 Coaching sessions with Clarity Master Shari Leigh Roberts for customization and maximum insight. Sessions scheduled at your convenience, when you’re ready.
  • Clarity reading and block removal
  • Clarity gifts unveiled, developed, and utilized.
  • Fast-track your clarity journey.
  • Course available on an app and web. 
  • A community of like-minded people.

Plus Bonuses-

  • Direct access to Shari for questions, clarification, or whatever you need.
  • Ask Shari questions that you want clarity on.
  • First dibs on hiring Shari for clarity consulting.
  • 1-month free membership to the Clarity Crusader Community that entitles you to new materials, coaching sessions, and keeps your energy clear and clarity enact after successful conclusion of the Clarity-Anytime, Anywhere course.

Don't take our word for it, see what a couple of our Clarity Crusaders say!

“Shari's techniques allowed me to achieve daily clarity that has had a profound impact on my professional and personal life. I wish I had known this was possible sooner.” -Russell W., MD

"Attaining clarity as a mother, wife, and QHHT Practitioner whenever I require it has revolutionized my life. I only wish I had encountered Shari years earlier.” -Marta S.

People spend years or a lifetime and a ton money trying to figure out what's holding them back, and never find it. How long have you been looking without success?


Original price of the Clarity-Anytime, Anywhere course is $5,999 (USD).

But, for the 13 people (15 total) who act fast and become Founding Members, you'll pay $997 USD.

(Check your email after submission.)